‘Business Bridge’ contracting expo to connect minority owned businesses with buyers

In a continuing effort to address barriers to success for minority-owned businesses, the Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance will host the Business Bridge Minority Business Contracting Expo on Oct. 26.
“Many small businesses in Genesee County are owned by someone who is Black, Indigenous and/or a person of color (BIPOC),” said Sandra Etherly- Johnson, executive director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Community Relations at the Flint & Genesee Group. “This event – which builds upon the work of the Business Bridge’s digital directory – aims to help these businesses make connections, find resources, and promote their products and services to area buyers.”
The event will kick off at 9:30 a.m. at New Jerusalem Full Gospel Baptist Church. The day will begin with networking and an opportunity for small businesses to meet with buyers, who will be based at tables throughout the venue in an expo-style format. Local resource and community partners will also be available to speak with attendees at this time.
Then, starting at 11 a.m., attendees will be invited to hear from a variety of speakers and panelists. This includes Jason Bey of My Bee’s Nest and Sheena Harrison of Drinks of Essence, who will share their experiences of starting and growing their businesses in Flint.
Registration is free, and lunch will be provided.
To save your seat – either as small business owner or a buyer/partner – click here.
The Business Bridge is part of a larger effort at the Flint & Genesee Group and its divisions to ensure racial equity and reduce disparities in the local business community. It’s for these efforts that the organization received an honorable mention in Ragan’s 2023 CSR & Diversity Awards in the category of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment.