Letters of Support

Letters of Support

Advanced Manufacturing District of Genesee County

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At the Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance, we are encouraged and overwhelmed by the community support for our efforts to attract an advanced manufacturing project to Genesee County. Just some of the letters of support we have received from small business leaders, labor organizations and community organizations include:

“I am hopeful that an advanced manufacturing facility in our area could restore what Genesee County once was and make this a place where our kids want to raise their kids.” More from that letter
Daniel J. Gaudet, Business Manager of Local Union 370 Plumbers, Pipe Fitters & HVAC Service Trades

“As someone who grew up in Mundy Township and has spent more than 30 years of my professional career in the local electrical industry, I know our community needs more local jobs and I applaud the work being done to attract an advanced manufacturer here.” More from that letter
— Gregory Remington,  business manager and financial secretary for IBEW Local 948

“Investing in the Advanced Manufacturing District of Genesee County to create a turnkey site that is attractive to a global company will allow us to bring back jobs that have been lost to foreign companies in the past.” More from that letter
— Christopher Wise, vice president of the Randy Wise Automotive Team

“A project on this huge scale will bring thousands of jobs to the local economy both during construction and after.” More from that letter
— Michael Randick, president of GLS Building Trades

We support efforts by the Flint & Genesee Economic Alliance and local and state leaders to attract an advanced manufacturer to our region because it will create thousands of local jobs, spark investment, and create opportunities for young people right here in Genesee County.

The Advanced Manufacturing District in Mundy Township represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create thousands of local jobs after decades of job losses, disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic, and continued high prices due to lingering inflation.

A new advanced manufacturing project will pump money into local small businesses, generate revenue and investment for our community, and keep our property values high. More people living and working in Genesee County means more foot traffic here and more customers at our shops, grocery stores, and restaurants.

An advanced manufacturing project will mean additional tax revenues that support our schools, roads, and public safety. It will also help bring the supply chain back to the U.S. allowing us to compete with other states and other countries.

We support creating opportunities for young people and future generations to find local jobs, so they aren’t forced to move away to find jobs. Many of these working-class jobs will create a local talent pipeline where young people can acquire the skills and training to succeed right here in Genesee County.

We are excited about the enormous potential of the Advanced Manufacturing District, and we support efforts to bring local jobs, opportunities, and investment to our region.

Signed by:

BAC Local 2 of Michigan

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Community Foundation of Greater Flint

Consumers Energy

Cooper Commercial

Dee Cramer, Inc.

E & L Construction Group, Inc.

Flint Bishop International Airport

Flint Cultural Center

The Genesee Group

GLS Building Trades

Goyette Mechanical

GST Michigan Works! Inc.

Hamilton Community Health Network, Inc.

Hurley Foundation

Hurley Medical Center

Kettering University

Lewis & Knopf CPAs, PC

Local 7 Sheet Metal Workers

Lurvey Construction

Management Diversified, Inc.

McLaren Flint


Randy Wise Automotive Team

Rolls Mechanical

Siwek Construction

Sorensen-Gross Construction Services

Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village

Teamsters Local 332

UA Local 370

University of Michigan-Flint

Aerial view of the Advanced Manufacturing District of Genesee County

Advanced Manufacturing District of Genesee County site